Craglorn was released earlier this week but it will still be quite awhile before I am ready for the trials. After 3+ played days of veteran content I am only just approaching VT 5! The quests keep coming and coming. I am a slave to the quest marker. I move from point to point collecting this, saving that, and slaying that until all of it coalesces into a single, continuous blur.
On top of the questing I know that to take on the trials I will have to upgrade my gear which means that I will have to max out my clothing skill, get involved in the economy, and find a good trading guild. It will take weeks of gathering, crafting, and spamming trade.
I'll have to go out and find a raiding guild that is preparing their members just as I am preparing myself. A team of warriors anticipating glorious battle. Not just skilled, but informed. We'll have to watch videos and live streams. We'll have to make sure we all have headsets and a VoIP server so that we can coordinate perfectly.
We probably won't make it through the trials on the first week either. Maybe not even the second. The 60 death limit will be reached fast. The fights will be brutal; the gains slow. There will be plenty of cursing and hair tearing.
Do I sound angry? Do I appear upset? Hardly! I am full of enthusiasm! It has been awhile since I have had a game challenge me so thoroughly! Craglorn will come soon; for now I will just have to bide my time and chase that marker!
See you in Tamriel!
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